Thuso Partners is proud to sponsor and work with African Warriors of Light. Regardless of a child’s background and societal circumstance, it’s important to provide access to life experiences and education that inspire and elevate.

Our CSI initiative with AWOL contributes towards making sure that each child is supported. The organisation is focused on four main aims that each strive to make a difference in the lives of less fortunate youth in South Africa. 


Children are sponsored through primary, secondary and tertiary education to ensure that they are fully equipped to achieve success as adults in the world. The karate program is crucial as an additional educational course as it teaches them the skills needed to be their best selves.


AWOL aims to uplift youth by providing meaningful engagements and moments with the karate program. 


Through karate, individuals have the opportunity to travel and compete around the world. Giving them access to rich experiences that can help shape their own identities and perceptions of the world. 


By traveling the world, the youth of AWOL are able to grow their dreams and expand on their ambitions. 

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Through these aims and through each contribution, AWOL makes an impactful difference in the lives of the youth of South Africa. Aligning with Thuso Partners’ goal to create lasting change and real returns for others.

We believe integrity,
support and
empowerment are
integral to upliftment
and transformation